Carpet Cleaning Service:

Did you know that your carpet is the largest filter in your home or building? Did you know that the average life span of poorly maintained carpet is 6 years, but properly maintained carpet is 12 years. Did you also know that carpet is the third largest occupant of landfills today?. What does this all mean? Our maintenance program can improve the health of your family members and employees, save you money, and help the environment.

We have been maintaining carpet since 2006, using the most effective and safest type of carpet cleaning system available today. Our encapsulation program is designed to safety extract soil from your carpet leaving it clean and bright. Our process also protects the carpet from re-soiling after our cleaners leave. One of the greatest advantages of encapsulation is the time needed for your carpet to dry. Low moisture means less risk of carpet damage as well as less inconvenience to you. You carpet can be ready to walk on in as little as 30 minutes.

Window Cleaning:

We currently maintain over 3000 Windows every month at our commercial and residential accounts. We utilize the safest and most effective window cleaning methods available today. Not only do we make efficient use of a strip mop and squeegee, but we are also equipped with Reverse Osmosis/Deionized water (soft water) and pole. This enables us to clean windows spot and streak free up to 3 stories and our feet never even leave the ground.

Worried about rain? Ask us about our rain check guarantee.

You can have confidence that our professional team will arrive on time, leave on time, and your windows will be sparkling clean.

Tile and Grout Cleaning:

Have you noticed your grout joints becoming gradually darker over time? Or have you noticed that the grout on your floor is a darker color than the grout on the shoe base or wall? We can help! As diligently as you mop your floors, what you may be unaware of is that even the best mopping can only remove 40% of soil. The rest of the soil is moved, shifted, and absorbed by the grout. Over time the left over soil continues to build up. Our tile and grout cleaning system is designed to deeply penetrate and suspend soil. Then we extract the suspended soil. The results will shock you! We have been able to restore soiled tile and grout to within 95% of its original color.

Once clean, we also can seal your floor to prevent re-soiling.

Commercial Floor Maintenance:

Since 2002, we have been maintaining VCT and concrete floor in commercial buildings. We have the experience and equipment needed to keep your floor wax looking sharp. Our maintenance program includes Stripping, Burnishing, and cleaning waxed floors and concrete. As with our other cleaning services, we are always alert to new technology and methods which save time, money, and are environmentally friendly.

General Janitorial:

For the last 15 years we have been providing janitorial services. Our trade references will attest to the fact that your building is in good hands. To us, honesty is our number one priority. When you give us the keys to your office, you can rest assured that your belongings, data, and front door are secure. You can also trust that we will do what we say we will do.

We also appreciate that there is more to effective cleaning than just what meets the eye. The productivity of your business is involved. We understand that carpet is not only beautiful, but that it's a filter. If not vacuumed properly and regularly, the filter collects dust. We understand that every building has soil loads that are not evenly distributed. And we know that germs are attracted to bathrooms. The health and productivity of your employees and customers rests heavily on the quality of your cleaning team. Allow us to asses your buildings needs and give you a fair price for a high quality service.

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